Foundations for Modular Construction

Foundations are the essential base that supports your modular building.

Depending on the size, use, and whether the building is temporary or permanent, there are several options available for modular building foundations.

One of the key benefits of the modular construction process is that site preparation and the foundation can be completed while the modular building is getting fabricated in our manufacturing facility. When the fabricated modules are complete, they are shipped to the construction site for installation on the prepared foundation.

Temporary Modular Building Foundations

Precast Blocks

Precast blocks or cinder blocks are blocks around the perimeter and interior of the foundation without any walls. They don’t even need a concrete pad, although you certainly can lay these on top. Blocks are require the least amount of site work. Blocks can have piers of various materials hoisting the building up, or the building can sit right on the blocks if they are large and strong enough. Blocks can be easily removed and cause minimal site disturbance.

Precast blocks are the most affordable option and are typically used for smaller or temporary structures.

Precast blocks are recommended for site construction offices, portable classrooms, and temporary emergency shelters.

Dry-Stack Masonry Walls

Dry-stack masonry walls are walls made from stacked CMU concrete blocks bound together by a layer of concrete mix or mortar. A concrete pad atop graded soil is required.

Dry-stack masonry walls are a relatively affordable option as there is isn’t a need for pouring concrete walls, while still maintaining a greater strength than placing your building on blocks.

Dry-stack masonry walls are recommended for medium-sized, permanent buildings such as clinics, offices, and workforce housing units.

Permanent Modular Building Foundations

Stem Walls

Stem walls are perimeter walls set into the soil and rising above. A concrete pad is poured into the area contained within the stem wall. The foundation requires heavy site preparation, grading beforehand, and concrete mixing.

Stem walls are the closest to a traditional construction foundation and is the most costly option. This is the strongest and most permanent foundation type.

Stem walls are recommended for apartment buildings, school campuses, and military barracks.

Stem Wall and Piers

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